‘Je l'apprécie vivement car elle n'est pas trop rigide et est agréable lors de la monte. On se sent gainé dans notre attitude, tout en étant soulagé des douleurs. Je ne la porte que lorsque j'ai mal, afin que mon corps ne s'habitue pas trop à ce soutien, ou en préventif lorsque je sais que tel cheval va m'infliger des douleurs par le biais de ses allures ou de ses sauts. Je l'ai à mon tour conseillée à plusieurs cavaliers - y compris à mon père Marcel Rozier, qui l'ont adoptée immédiatement. Je n'ai pas quitté mes pulls cols roulés de tout l'hiver. J'en ai toute une collection et les ai portés au quotidien, ils sont parfaits !'
I really like the back brace because it's not too stiff and it's pleasant to ride in. You feel sheathed in your attitude, while being relieved of pain. I only wear it when I'm in pain, so that my body doesn't get too used to the support, or as a preventive measure when I know that a particular horse is going to cause me pain through its gaits or jumps. I in turn recommended it to several riders - including my father Marcel Rozier, who adopted it immediately. I've been wearing my turtleneck jumpers all winter. I've got a whole collection of them, and I've worn them every day - they're perfect' - Philippe Rozier
Philippe Rozier is a French show jumping rider. He started riding internationally thirty years ago, first as part of the gold medal winning French team at the European Junior Championships in 1980. He went on to win two medals in silver at the world championships and participated in 75 Nations Cups. He represents France at the Global Champions Tour, which he has supported since its creation in 2006.